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Policies and Procedures

Yearly Schedule and Calendar

  1. Lessons will be offered in semesters that will roughly correspond to the CMCSS (Clarksville Montgomery County School System) calendar.

  2. There will be a Spring Semester, a Fall Semester, and a Summer Semester each year.

  3. There will be a performance opportunity at the end of both the Fall and Spring Semesters. Public performance is an important part of learning any musical instrument, so participation in recitals or other performance opportunities will be strongly encouraged.

  4. Please refer to the online calendar at for any important dates, such as beginning and ending dates for each semester, expected closings, available dates for make-up lessons, and the expected date for the end-of semester recital. These dates will also be communicated by email to registered students.

  5. The instructor reserves the right to change the calendar at any time due to unforeseen circumstances. Each instructor may also have different dates that they are unavailable. Please check with your instructor if you have any questions. The online calendar will always be the most up to date with any changes, and changes will be emailed to registered students.


  1. Students should register online using the registration form on the website or the same form requested through email.

  2. Each student should fill out a registration form for each semester (Fall, Spring, or Summer). A separate registration form should be filled out for each student – i.e. in the case of siblings or a child and parent who both wish to take lessons.

  3. Students who wish to take lessons for more than one instrument will need to fill out a separate form per instrument and pay a registration fee for each instrument.

  4. The registration form must be filled out before lessons can begin.

  5. Registration will be open year-round except for the month before the end of the semester listed on the calendar.

Respect for Instruments and Equipment

  1. Students should respect all instruments and equipment provided for their use during lessons.

  2. If an instrument is damaged by a student during a lesson, the student or their parent/guardian will be responsible for any repair or replacement costs.

  3. Lessons will not continue until this cost has been paid.

  4. Refusal the pay for repairs will lead to the immediate discontinuation of lessons.

Tuition and Other Fees

Fall 2024 Tuition

       30 minute lessons - $450                        45 minute lessons - $670                   60 minute lessons - $890    

  1. Ideally, students will pay the entire amount for the semester at the first lesson of the semester. If you have financial concerns, please let us know so that we can create a payment plan for you. 

  2. The prices above are a tuition payment to hold your time slot for the semester. They do not guarantee a certain number of lessons. For example, in the Fall Semester of 2024, students will have the opportunity to attend up to sixteen (16) lessons. It is the student/parent/guardian’s responsibility to remember and attend the lesson each week and to alert the instructor in accordance with the attendance policy when the student must miss a lesson so that a make-up lesson can be scheduled.​ For the summer semesters, students purchase a package of a certain number of lessons. Again, it is the student/parent/guardian's responsibility to remember and attend lessons. All sales for the summer semester are final, and there will be no refunds for missed or canceled lessons.

  3. In addition to the semester tuition, there will be a $10 non-refundable registration fee per student per instrument. You must pay the registration fee at the time of registration. You can also pay the entire tuition amount at registration, or you can choose to follow one of our payment plans.

  4. As part of the payment plan agreement, it is necessary to provide a credit or debit card number to prevent delayed payments. We will only ever charge your card in the event that your payment is 5 or more days late. If payment is not provided by the 20th of the month, we will process the payment via the provided credit or debit card using Square. In this case, there will also be a 5% late fee assessed in addition to the 4% card processing fee.

  5. If you have any financial worries, please do not hesitate to contact us. We strive to be as understanding and accommodating as possible.

Attendance Policy and Make-Up Lessons

  1. Each student will have an exclusive weekly time reserved in the studio schedule for their lesson. In the event that a student must miss a regularly scheduled lesson, the instructor should be given at least 24 hour notice through text, email, or phone call for the lesson to be eligible for a make-up lesson.

  2. Only in the case of an emergency or illness will less than 24 hour notice be acceptable.

  3. In the event that no notice is given for a missed lesson, the lesson will not be eligible for a make-up lesson. In addition, if a student is a no-call, no-show for three lessons, it will be assumed that the student has withdrawn from the studio.

  4. In the event that the instructor must miss a regularly scheduled lesson for any reason, students or parents will be notified via text, email, or phone call as soon as possible. Lessons cancelled by the instructor will be made up whenever possible.

  5. Each instructor will schedule their own make-up lessons. Some instructors may schedule make-up lessons as the need arises, while some may have make-up lesson days scheduled ahead throughout the semester. Please check with your instructor to schedule make-up lessons.

  6. All make-up lessons need to be taken care of within the time frame of the current semester. There will not be any extra lessons after the end date of the semester and there will not be any “lesson credits” offered between the semesters for any missed lessons.

  7. When scheduling other activities throughout the semester, please make sure that they do not interfere with your lesson time. We are not able to provide refunds if lessons have to be discontinued due to a different activity being scheduled during your agreed upon lesson time.

  8. Please note that there will usually be at least one week within the semester in which the studio will be closed (usually Fall and Spring Breaks). These weeks will be clearly marked on the calendar. There will be no make-up lessons for these weeks.

Withdrawing from the Studio

  1. Completing the registration form is a commitment to attend lessons for the entire semester from the first day of the semester or the time of registration until the end of the semester marked on the calendar.

  2. Except in extenuating circumstances discussed with the instructor, students enrolled in a semester payment plan who withdraw early from the semester or just stop attending lessons will be charged 50% of the remaining fees for the semester at that time.

  3. In addition, there will not be any refunds offered for students who withdraw in the middle of the semester except in extenuating circumstances discussed with the instructor.

  4. Before making the decision to withdraw, please communicate any problems with the instructor or the director to see if a different solution can be found!

COVID-19 Addendum

  1. Due to the pandemic, lessons can be conducted online or in-person this semester, at least initially. Online lessons will be offered through Facetime, Skype, or Zoom.

  2. Students who start the semester with in-person lessons should be prepared to switch to online lessons should the need arise. This means that students should have an appropriate instrument at home and should purchase any books assigned by the instructor so that they have music at home. As stated in the regular policies and procedures, refunds will not be possible, especially since an alternative method of teaching is available.

  3. If a student isn’t feeling well, please do not bring them to an in-person lesson! If they are just a little under the weather and still want to do a lesson, we will be happy to arrange an online lesson that week instead. Please let your instructor know as soon as possible if there is a need to do an online lesson instead of in-person.

  4. Masks will be optional this semester, but it’s strongly encouraged that anyone who hasn’t been vaccinated wear a mask. Individual instructors have the right to request that their students and parents or others attending lessons wear a mask. We reserve the right to change the mask requirement at any time should the situation with the pandemic change.

  5. For online lessons, a parent or guardian should sit with any student under the age of 8 during their lesson. It might also be a good idea for a parent or guardian to sit with older children who are more high energy to help us stay on task.

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